Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Beginning And An End... Where Will We Go?!

"My Poetry"
Poetry was something I read out of book
(As a little child)
Poetry was something I knew when I looked
(Inside with denial)
Learned all I can from a fantastic teacher
(Keep that relationship)
Poetry was something that made me grow older everyday
(But to me was I still a little baby)
Words on the walls thoughts in my mind
(Poetry is much more than a rhyme)
Words and emotions tattooed on the page… in our minds
(Poetry was filled with laughter and crime)
Little baby crying
            You can write away
Sitting on a train to see your mother and father
            You can write away
Angry at your parents for what they say you cant do
            You can write away
Write away all your feelings cause poetry will let you
            You can write away
No limit to what your mind can do

This…this is why poetry hit me
            And it will hit you too! 

Ever have a feeling that makes you feel accomplished, makes you welcomed? Do you ALWAYS know what to write about once you got that pen in your hand and your staring at the bank paper? Will we always have something tragic happen in our lives in order to blog; in order to feel? There are many questions that we don’t have answers too, but with poetry there are no questions, and there are no RIGHTS from WRONGS. All there is to follow is your mind and your heart, and take those feelings and thoughts and run with them. This term poetry has made me feel and think about things I would have never thought about, ever. It gave me relief to know that I don’t need to go into a workshop knowing, following, and listening to what other people are saying and/or doing.

After watching a poet by the name of Thabiso Mohare, better known as Afurakan. He amazed me the moment he stepped up on that stage. His delivery gave me chills, but what I loved what his words. His words connected through me and made me think. Who am I and I don’t want to BE HIM, I want to be BETTER THAN HIM. It gave me motivation to keep writing poetry, to keep thinking about words and meaning in which I can corporate into my lyrics and songs. If I could get a beat which get the crowd going, but at the same time cry and think because of the miraculous lyrics in which they are interconnected through an invisible link. I believe, I believe that Afurakan at one point through his life did not know what he was going to do in the future. He wrote about the struggles he went through in order to get where he is today. He talks about his achievements, and is not afraid to admit his wrongs or failures. He is what I believe is a true role model. He I believe is who we all should stand and watch and the clock in our lives keeps ticking and ticking away.

  Poetry gave me the experience to follow what my heart and mind tells me to do on each post. My teacher, Mrs. Lewis, gave me the encouragement to do well and to always write WHATEVER is on my mind; this helped in many ways. I can’t believe that this class is over I think I might cry =(But, for the future to all the poets I discovered in this class may they all succeed in whatever they please to do in the future. Poetry, no rules, no directions, its only love, heart, and only your thoughts that bring the whole story together. THE END!

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