Thursday, November 18, 2010

ALL 4 all.

Poems, I thought, were mostly done as one solo person talking about his or her life story. But, I was so so so so so wrong. 1, 2, 3, go…they start their lines. 1, 2, 3, stop…it quiet now. Gradually getting louder and louder as the spit comes flying out of each of their mouths. Poem is over you look down, chills on your arms, mouth is dropped and pearly white and reflecting off of the eyes of the performers; A PERFECT SCORE!!! WOW, what can I say to that? How can anyone compete with that? This is what poetry is my friends. Battles, thoughts, hearts, strategies, competition; all of which is the ingredients in making what they call a poetry slam!

As mentioned before, I always thought poetry dealt with one person performing, and if there were to be multiple people in one single poem, that they would all be speaking. BUT, THIS IS WHY I LOVE POETRY SLAMS! The thoughts and strategies each group and/or team comes up with their own way of delivering. The pace, their tone, their pitch, their personalities, all come into play when performing a group poem. I love the fluidity of the poets as they perform. They signals, practice, and flow, must all be right, and it not the poem could possible be their worst nightmare. But groups in poetry slams become families. Yes, they have their goods days and bad days, but they are there for each other.  Poetry may have no rules, but one rule I think it should have for group poems is to be “one”.

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