Sunday, October 10, 2010

All I Want to be...

Who do you look up too? Who would you want to be? Maybe a famous musician, it may be a famous football player, or even a talented dancer. No matter who it is we look up to them and strive to be like them or even better. As a little kids we always dream to be on the big stage, make the big play on the football field, and earn that award for dancing. This all starts with the impression we get from all of these talented people. The feeling we get from all these poets and what has happened in their lives, shows how much emotion and effort they truly put into each individual poem. I love the creativity they put into every poem they create. Because each poem is different, some poems give the reader multiple perspectives of just one poem.

Looking up to someone may give you the encouragement you have been looking for your entire life. When I think about the commitment each of these poets have. It connects me to them because I have the same commitment to my music. They are great poets, but when they were first starting out they looked up to someone. For example I’m looking at all these new artists and watching videos of how they write songs, how they make their music, just like Allen Ginsberg looked up to Walt Whitman.

Like Ginsberg I look up to musicians to help me strive and better my music and the way I perform. Artist such as Mike Poser, John Mayer, and Lil Wayne, are just three of many artists I love. I listen to their lyrics, their beats, and their stories. Some artist write about their feelings and what happens throughout their lives, just like poets do in their poetry. One thing I love about poetry and music is the creative aspect in each one. Each allows you to put your thoughts and emotions into and nobody can tell you how to do it. Why? Because there are no rules in poetry and the same goes for music. Like poetry music has rhyming, messages, and rhythm to each song.

This week I learned it doesn’t matter your race, sex, or your thoughts. All that matters is how you present yourself, and how much you commit yourself just like all these poets and musicians do everyday.


  1. Zack,

    Stop having such good posts for me to like! No really, though, you had a really good opening to your point with this post as well. The pictures you included helped too. Ps. this song was perfect for it too, and its a great song. :)

  2. I like how you don't just start your post with "This week in poetry class...". Instead you use a clever introduction that pulls the reader in. Your beginning made me want to finish reading the post, which by the way was really good!

  3. great song and great thoughts:) i like how u talked about the creative aspects of both poetry and music.
